Friday, October 16, 2009

Just wanna say random things here..

I don't like Chemistry.

I love Tiffany.

I love chocolate, preferably ice-cream.

I heard that SNSD's gonna release their second album in mid-November.

I have a bad feeling about something.

I haven't started revising Chemistry.

I have memorized and practiced more than half of the Genie dance steps.

I need to buy myself zit cream because I'm all out of it.

I'm banning myself from Youtube yet what's the use when I still have videos in my laptop to watch?

I still don't like Chemistry.

I want to hug Tiffany.


  1. Once the exam's over, I'll burn all my Chemistry notes. Can't do anything with the book cuz it's school property.

  2. This last time I'll be updating my blog before the exam starts. I'll get back after the exam. Take care. :) Who am I talking to anyway?
