Tuesday, May 12, 2009


The girls went to LA just a few days ago for Hollywood Bowl. Fany arrived in LA a few days earlier than the other girls. She spent her time with her family and friends. At first, i thought the guy above, Nick Kim is her brother but it turns out that he's actually Fany's friend from Diamond Bar High School. I know they're just friends but i'm still jealous.
But i'm so happy she got the chance to meet her family back, i mean, she doesn't get the chance to meet them always, you know. I think it has probably been a few years since she last saw her family.

I watched a video of her signing for her fans, i'm sooooo jealous of the fans!!!!!! Nick Kim and her other friends were there too. They were teasing her by saying things like "Tiffany, sign my shirt!", "Tiffany, you're so awesome!" and stuff. LOL. Her friends are cool.

EDIT:Okay, so this guy is not Nick Kim. His real name is Jun?? I don't know but a guy named Jun tried to clear this up in Soshified saying that the pictures (the above pic and some other pics) were leaked from his facebook. Whatever it is, i'm just not sure.

Here's the video: CLICK!

And Soy was there too but you can only hear her voice. The voice saying "Tiffany, you're so awesome" at the very beginning before Fany's friend, Nick Kim, said the exact same thing in the video, that's Soy's voice. I'm confident of it.
I read Soy's fan-account. Soy and the other soshified members were stalking the girls like everywhere, and there was this one very jealousy-boosting-miraculous coincidence that Soy experienced. She just walked out of the restroom in the lobby and was using the back way. There was someone in front of Soy walking and it was.... TIFFANY!!!!!! OMG! The other stalkers were busy stalking the the elevators and so Tiffany is like safe from being attacked with the crowd. Tiffany sat at a sitting corner alone and Soy introduced her self to Fany. As how Soy had described it 'like a dream', Tiffany invited Soy to sit across her. And they chatted. Soy said talking to her is like talking to a friend, no awkwardness.

Let me just quote what Soy said about talking with Tiffany:

"And I just told her that’s how popular they were in Internationally and she just went thank you again and constantly smile and talked like a pure valley girl but it was so addictive watching her talk and just listening to her. She was so awesome with answering all my questions."

"Talking to Fany was like talking to a close friend or something our conversation was constantly moving with no dull moments and she was just a complete sweetheart."

"Tiffany is amazing, I really want to become friends with her after getting a chance to talk to her, she seems so friendly and open. "

(credits: Soy@soshified.com)

And... the part that i just can't help but to scream in major jealousy, Soy HUGGED Fany!!!!! I am so jealous. I've been saying that a lot.
And here's Soy's autographed album. I love Fany's handwriting, at least it's better than mine. Duh!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Oh-my-god!-worthy MVs!

Okay, i just saw 2NE1's MV. Both the Space version and the Street version. I gotta admit- THEY ARE SOOOOOOOOO COOL!!!!

Here are the links to the videos:

Fire (Street Ver.) - 2NE1

Lol. The people who commented this video mentioned GD's cameo appearance in the MV. I kept on replaying the MV to spot GD but i just couldn't. After quite a lot of tries, finally, i saw him at 3:17.

Fire (Space Vers.) - 2NE1

I prefer the space version cuz i don't know. I just like it.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

do NOT read this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Esp you, Nowre!

unless you have aimziq as your internet identity, don't read this if you don't want to end up having crazy nightmares like someone. you may read it but don't say i didn't warn ya!

So, aimziq and I are havin' this competition right now. The task is we must write the 'ahem'-est blog post. OMG!

Ok, here it goes and please note that i don't really mean all of these, well, i do mean it but not this way:

1.Her legs, her fair smooth legs, the legs that i just want to touch so bad. To carress it slowly. As you travel upwards, there's her thighs. How alluring.

2. Oh my god, those pink juicy lips. Sexy is the word to describe it. Sexily kissable lips!

3. Her butt! OMG! (I know I made a post on this before but I'm still gonna write about it). Those two pieces of flesh at the back of her body just between her thigh and waist. Ones that will make males blush at the sight of it.


You know what? I'll stop here. To aimziq, you better do your part!! I'll kill you if you don't.

To all of you people who've been reading this even when I asked you not to, those things above aren't the major reasons I like Tiffany. There are many good things that I see first in her before those. The thing that I love the most about her is her eyes, her voice (her talking voice is pretty sexy), her SMILE, her personality (she's hot tempered, hardworking, always wanting to win, kinda stubborn, her BIG amazing passion for singing (i think only a few of you know this but i LOVE singing) and just too loud- those are just very attractive), her mole on the left bottom part of her face.

She's like my alter ego or something. I don't know. I kinda look up to her. Sometimes I wish I could be hardworking too.